Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday May 29, one month on Senegal soil.

First things first, I am physically doing great but now we are experiencing some old fashioned Texas heat and humidity. Rainy season is coming, and with that mosquitoes.

I met Nelson across the bridge this morning and we went scouring the hardware stores for electrical materials for Pastor Omer's house, which is in a state of perpetual construction. I hope to get another room ready for plaster before I leave and tie up some loose ends. I will enclose pictures of the progress, haha, as we do this work. All my electrician friends will get a kick out of what I am working with here. Also, my next project at the school is to try to make some kind of sense of the electrical installation that is already completed before I got here. Pictures will explain more than I can tell.

Spent the afternoon at the center, playing Twister with the kids, and puzzles, and ball and more puzzles and more toys. Kids are really enjoying the center and when school is out, we will be going more days.

I have a job in progress, that God is blessing and hope to have pictures next week. We leave Sunday to go to a village an hour away and work with a Mexican missionary doing some work for him at his compound. Then in 2 weeks we go to Dakar for a few days to help at a mission outreach there with a Dutch Missionary couple.

Tomorrow we have our Thursday meal at Bryan and Laura's house and then I will help Bryan install a back up battery system for power failures that are coming as the weather gets hotter. Really hard to find the correct stuff here, just praying that what we find we can make work.

Am enclosing some local scenery as some have asked about. We are on an island surrounded by a river on one side and the Atlantic on the west. Friday, we will venture out on part of the island we have not been to and see the "beach". When I say island and beach, do not even let Hawaii or even Galveston enter your mind. This is Africa and although I think there are beautiful African beaches, St. Louis is not one of them. Think fishing village and fishing island and you get the picture, if not the scent!.

Peggy and I took our evening walk home from the square and made our regular stops to visit with people who have come to know us by face, if not by name. Peggy commented on how relationships are so important here, and just by us stopping in and with our limited vocabulary we can still feel the friendships we have here. They are always so happy to talk to us and we with them. Even some of the taxi drivers, we can tell, enjoy our attempts at conversations.

Well, so long for now. Keep us in your prayers that we will still be led by God for the next month or so.
                                                Twister with French directions
                                           View from mainland looking at island

                                          This area will be underwater when rains start

                                          Tree outside church 2nd story where boys come to listen

Ken and Peggy

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