Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday 17th, and it was a busy day for us.
We finished our Wolof class and I will post a picture of the valedictorian and salutatorian along with our professor. It was quite the experience. Bryan, our missionary who learned Wolof by sitting with the locals and listening and repeating, told us today that Wolof is really not a language, but rather is a state of mind. I think I understand that because after taking the class, you really have to think in Wolof in order to speak it. Everything is based on your location, rather than how we in English speak in terms of tenses: past, present, future. So in Wolof you speak in terms such as here, there, near here, far from here, etc.  We both passed our class .... ken got  18 out of 20 !!! Whewwho !!   :)

Went to Bryan and Laura's after lunch to hang some shelves and replace some parts on their refrigerator that we brought from the states. Hopefully it will fix his problem.

Received 2 packages from home today, one from our friends Jack and Lynita Mensch with some drill bits, nails and screws which have been hard to find here. I have found out here in Senegal they only have 2 sizes of screws,,too small and too big.
The other package from our daughter Michelle had some crafts for the school as well as Peggy's mother's day gift. It only took 10 days for the boxes to get here which is unusual for Senegal.

We heard the most awful confusion outside our door this afternoon and when we went out, there was some kind of street party going on with lots of drums and shouting and people and some guy on stilts who the kids were going crazy over. Later in the day there were some guys dressed up in native costumes and I think it was supposed to represent some kind of beast who terrorizes kids or something that scares kids. I know as he was coming down the street, all the kids would run like crazy to get away from him. I would have taken his picture, but around here every time you take a picture they want money.

For supper, Nelson and Myta' invited all of us over for " Nelson's homemade pizza" and it was good and a lot of it (9) of them. Had a wonderful salad to go along with it and then we all played a game of Farkle which was fun.

Tomorrow will be a day at the center with the kids and then I will go to the school and start working on window repairs. Sunday our plans have changed and we will be here for church and not going away for Pentecost Sunday as originally planned.

Good night

Ken and Peggy

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