Day 2 in Senegal,,and what a day! I got up early 6:30 am Senegal time to investigate the garbage truck outside our window. Turned out it was one of many taxies bringing staff to the school across the street. It sounded like a garbage truck with it's loud diesel engine and pots, pans, stoves, food, etc. being unloaded. Today was a holiday, and they were preparing a party for the staff.
Sitting on the front porch, I had a ringside seat to the new day dawning in St. Louis,,.
Talibes (street boys) were already begging and would stop and say something to me and hold out their cup but I had nothing for they would come out of the woodwork if I gave to one. They would laugh and talk as they passed by, occasionally one would try to strike up a conversation, but I don't understand enough Wolof to make conversation.
Almost everyone who came by would say "Bon Jour", and I would respond "Bon Jour" and then the fun began. Naturally they assumed I spoke French and you should have seen me trying to communicate,"No, Francias only English". But they understood quickly and we had a good laugh.
I then walked down to the water's edge to watch the fishermen going out for their daily fishing trip. It was funny seeing them try to get some of the boats to go against the current, some not able to get their small engines started, going aground and having to get out and push into deeper waters. No one gave up and everyone seemed to make it out.
Two young men stopped and asked me to take their pictures, one was 16 and the other 18 and we actually were able to communicate. The older one spoke some English and I had a Wolof language book, and he could read Wolof and English and could write English quite well.
Went downtown and they were having a large festival because of the holiday and we roamed the street for a while.
Went to a nice restaurant and Peggy had a salad, she really loved, and I had chicken and rice with a local sauce made with spices and onions. It was good.
Spent a few hours at the Community center setting up for 3:00 pm class and came back to help Amy (not much help when you can't communicate) but children are universal and we had a blast. I showed them how to make origami tee shirts and they loved it, Peggy passed out jewelry and the kids went wild, gave some tennis shoes to one of the street boys and Justin's old football pant. Played a little soccer and put puzzles together with the kids.
Went home and got ready for Wednesday night church and arrived late and the front door had blown locked and we couldn't get in. Tried throwing rocks thru the open upstairs window, but they kept throwing them back. Finally they heard us downstairs and looked out and opened the door. Sermon was in French, but you still knew you were in church, God's Spirit is universal, too.
Came back home, and Amy had been invited to a birthday party down the street and we walked with her. We were overwhelmed! Invited us in and we became part of the party. They brought out 2 large plates of food, but Peggy wasn't that hungry (plus she had no idea what it was), but I dove right in (can't be rude) and it was good. Some type of meat in crust deep fried, something similar to cake balls, and something that looked like pink pork rinds but really had no taste to speak of.
Came back home and cooked some chicken breasts for later, Amy is on her nightly run, and we are getting ready for the evening..Loud speakers with Muslim chanting in the night,,sounds not too bad.
Nights are really cool, and since Peggy only brought one light sweater, looks like we will go shopping tomorrow. Going to include some pictures of the day, hope you can understand them because I am too tired to label them
Again, God is so good and I wish I could tell you everything but I can't tonight.
Thanking God for all of you.
Ken and Peggy
Fred and I enjoy reading your blog. It sounds like you're getting right in there and finding out what life is like in Senegal. Remember, if the mountain you climb is smooth, you'll never make it to the top. Enjoy the "rough" parts as they are shaping you into the treasures God wants you to be.