Friday, May 24, 2013

Senegal day 23

Hello Friends in America:

      That sounds funny to me.   We skipped a few days on the blog as we are in a pretty normal routine now and not a lot of new pictures to post either.     Guess you figured out by now.... Tuesday and Thursday  we go to the School to pass out vitamins, and love the children.   Wednesday and Saturday to the center to help with crafts and play, play, play with the precious children.    
June is going to be maybe a little busier than now, as we have two trips planned, so will let you know when this takes place.

Yesterday at the school it was really cute to watch the following American games played by the children.   There are 33 children  3- 4 yrs  so we had to split them into 3 groups in order to be able to play the games.    They played  musical chairs, that was more than FUNNY.    Had to have the teacher come and explain to the kids in Wolof how to play, after they understood,  the FUN began.  They played it  3 times with ea. group.
Next game tried was   "Duck, duck, goose"   They actually caught on pretty good to that.  All the children really enjoyed game time.   This is special for them because  at school there is not a craft or games, other than recess outside which they are on their own, playing soccer.

We handed out kazoos at the center to the kids and none of them could figure out what to do,  it really was hard,  some of the staff could not do either.  Funny.   Ken had to get one and show the children how to do it.   Then they went crazy with laughter and kazoos playing like music to our ears !

Went to Bryan & Laura Davis for lunch and it was delicious, as usual..... had yassa pulay  (chicken and rice with onion sauce..... Ken's favorite dish.   She made it with kaani gi (hot pepper) this time.
Will try to post some fruit Peggy found at some markets on the corners.   She is so glad to have them.

We will post the pictures of the games the children played and the kazoo, as we cannot post them now.    Sometimes we can and sometimes it will not let us post.

We do feel all the prayers from ea. of you and cherish them more than you know.  Continue to pray for our bodies to be strong and health, as the HOT season is starting and the rainy season soon.

Blessed to be in St. Louis, Africa,
Ken      Peggy

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