Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 4 and my sleeping habits seem to be getting better. Went to bed at 11:pm and woke up at 9:00am. Of course that is 6pm and 4am our Texas time.

I went outside this morning and a little boy named Ndiaye stopped and we had quite the conversation. Between our language barriers, I found out he was 10 years old and he helped me with some Wolof.

Then the fun began...the school across the street let out for recess and I was surrounded by a hoarde of kids wanting to talk. Well, you can imagine how that resulted. I made the good mistake of letting one write his name for me, and then all of them mobbed me and wanted to write their names.  It was fun for all. Only problem, they all wanted my pen and it was hard to keep track of who had it..would love to be able to give them all a pen so we will see.

Peggy and I wandered the streets for a while, and the next thing I knew, Peggy had been kidnapped by a Grandmother who took her inside her home to take a picture of her grandbabies. Well, we think that is what she wanted. But after getting inside, the grandmother started directing the photo shoot and I think we satisfied her.. We went and had the pictures made and brought them to her and you would have thought we gave her a million dollars (500,000,000 francs). She patted her chest and just kept talking to us and told us to come back tomorrow and she had a gift for us. So simple to please these lovely people with something as simple as a photograph.

Went to the bank (on our own, thank you) to exchange our US dollars for African CFA, and I was so proud of Peggy. She only waited 3 minutes before she drug me in a dress shop to "look around" now that we were empowered with "purchasing power!!!".

Then we actually went grocery shopping (on our own) and was able to find our way home..It really isn't that hard for me.

Going to go looking for hardware and lumber tomorrow for some projects. Pray they open a Lowe's or Home Depot tonight.

Peggy only had 1 major breakdown today after visiting with the Grandmother and a few small ones seeing the street boys, she is doing great and I kid her but God gave her a caring heart and this is her ministry.

Yes, she is still freezing, but I am sure now we can find her a coat somewhere.

Again, I know I say it everyday but it is truly from our hearts. We are blessed  by great friends, a great God, and a wonderful Missionary Host.
We just want to be more than normal for God...and with His help and guidance, we will.
A few more today pictures,,sort thru them and figure out what is what. Too tired to label them again...sorry.

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