Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hello from St. Louis:

     Ken did not want to do a blog tonight..... but in my eyes a lot went on today !
First we took a taxi to the Christian school to help with Vitamins and then a craft for the teacher.  They are short on staff in the "little" children's area..... of course that is the area I ENJOY soo much.    Fun,  Fun !    See the 2 new mats in class with Big sun.
 Pastor asked Ken.... do you like peanuts? and of course we do so Ken said "YES, I like peanuts"...... WOW.... we were given the BEST peanut candy (reminds us of peanut bars in US) that we have tasted.... made by his sweet wife.    I asked her if I order some in July would she make a bunch for us to take home.   Of course she said yes and the Pastor said "NO, NO, you not leave in July" !
School gets out at 1 pm so we waited till it was over and then we went back upstairs to work on the lights that Ken could NOT fix yesterday.   PTL..... prayers were answered !    He got all the lights working in all classes, except there is one wall upstairs that has NO electricity in the wall at all.    HUM.... that is strange to us !
Pastor Omer wants so badly to "learn" from Ken and help him..... well today he took a tool in his hand to help and  HE DID IT !!!  Sweeeeet man !   The young man that lives with them is thru with high school and wants to be a nurse.   GOD bless him and his desire !   Will show picture of him. Oh YES.... I must say.....  Ken, Nelson and Pastor also worked on the school desks.   There were some that needed to be FIXED.
Went to the center to see about putting electric  plug in for Laura's English class in a room and Ken was sure  sad.  The wire that is there is for the light only and not enough wire for him to add to.    He tried and tried to figure out a way to make it work !  But cannot be done.  Disappointing for all.
Walked across the bridge and home...... a good little distance..... really enjoyed our walk thru the town (as usual) and picked up a few fruit at the stand.    Then to the hardware shop that Ken goes to and picked up a "few" more things he needed......
Had a nice visit with one young lady at a boutique that was excited to talk English with us and asked us to come back again and help her learn English.   We sure will !
Ken tried and tried to transfer  $$ today from our account and it would not go thru.   Ha ha .... funny feeling.... just wanted to pick up the phone and call AGCU and tell them the problem !   He emailed them and when we got home..... done !  PTL
I think the pics today are just GREAT !      So that is why I'm doing the post.   Of course at the school ... when the kids are playing or resting.... they ALL want their pictures taken !   Notice beautiful lady behind her desk.... Pastor's wife
Enjoy.... I know you will...... cause I am !

BLESSINGS to you all,
Peggy    Ken

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