Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday May 27, 2013

 No pictures today for you BUT wanted to share a "few" things going/went on today.

Went to breakfast with Bryan and Laura to visit, since Bryan had been gone a lot to teach at Dakar.
Sure enjoyed the time.    Then walked across the bridge to the center !!!  Simply a Great walk and such a nice breeze today all day long !!!   Primed the furniture there to paint in afternoon.

Got home in time to make spaghetti, meat sauce, salad, and garlic bread ( which I burned (: (: (: )
Oven here is hard for me to judge temperature.    We ate it anyway, after I scraped all the burn off haha  :)     I had made a chocolate cake last pm for lunch today and at boutique today I found some "strawberry" ice cream so we bought it for the cake !!   I do NOT know what/how they make ice cream here BUT  that is the BEST strawberry ice cream I have honestly ever had !!

Nelson and Ken talked electrical after lunch for 20 min..... they were deep in conversation and diagrams and seemed to really enjoy their time !   Ken reminds Nelson of his dad and of all the things.... Ken and his dad have the same birthdate....only Ken is older than his dad !   So I think there is a bond there.   

walked back from center across bridge to our area and stopped at our little store and saw Jodi, one of the missionary ladies and her daughter at the store...... had a good visit with them in the grocery and the man behind the counter was just  :) :)  smiling and smiling at us as we were speaking English and laughing so much together.    He is so nice and tries  to speak his limited English with our limited Wolof and we do good with him.

Oh yes, in between all this Ken went to his SWEET  hardware guy and bought paint brushes and while there a young man 27 yr. old came up and began talking to the owner and turned to us and said in  English....  "He is a very GOOD man" .....   We just smiled :) and said oh yes we know that !! Then the young man said how honest, kind and BIG hearted he is !!!!  Well we already knew this and told him to tell the guy that we call him friend.   Made him smile...... the young man spoke good English and was so friendly to us and invited us to his shop/bakery where he and his wife work.  We will sure see if we can find them.     Amazing how our LORD has put so many people in our path to get to know and that are so kind to us !!

Told Ken today..... WOW.... I wish for one day I could just video the entire day here.  Each day is so totally different and see something new/different in one way or another.    Saturday while with Bryan we saw a funeral procession go across the bridge and that was an experience for us.    Bryan explained it all to us, then shortly after that he pointed out a Taxi with a HUGE swordfish hanging out the trunk of the taxi.....   :)  we all laughed at that !

Sunday at 8 am we leave for the Village experience with Nelson & Meita till Tuesday !   Looking forward to this a lot.     It is about an hr. and half away and guess how we will get there...... YEP  you guessed it..... Taxi.   Flat amazes us that they will travel that far.   

So we will close for tonight with a grateful heart and full of Love to the LORD for our experiences.

Ken       Peggy

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