Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday evening, May 16 and the night life has begun.

Today was a good day for me physically, thanks to lots of prayers I awoke without a lot of congestion and I don't believe I coughed at all today. Still not up to 100% but getting there.

Went to our Wolof lesson and the teacher said we are making good success. He is very happy with what we have learned, little does he know there is a difference between learning and reading because there is little we have learned but we have read a lot. I am confident enough that I carry my Wolof book and my French book and will try to do more communicating in Wolof.  The teacher is also happy that we are using our English because he really wants to learn English and I am translating some of the sheets he has given us into English. I have to use an online French to English program to translate his French notes.  Tomorrow is our last class, hurray!

Went to Bryan and Laura's house for lunch which consisted of homemade lasagna and home made bread sticks and cake...all delicious.  We then went to a couple of boutiques looking for scarves for Peggy.  We ended up with a handbag and 2 scarves I am glad because a woman can't have too many handbags...kind of like a guy and his tools.

Before lunch we walked through the downtown area were the Jazz Festival is taking place and they have a mini bazaar set up selling everything African. Peggy bought some earrings and a large wooden ring because a woman can't have too many rings and earrings. I took a picture of a man from Niger who had a booth set up and then I found out (he actually told me) that I had to buy something from him since I took his picture. I think Amy talked to him and I ended up not buying anything but he wants me to email him a picture. This I will do.

I am enclosing some pictures of downtown and a local cruise ship that docks here weekly bringing in tourists. I also have pictures of some furniture made by a local man here named DouDou. I am having him make some furniture for the A/G school and when I get a chance I am going to go to his shop and watch him work. After you see the pictures you will see how much of a craftsman he is and I haven't seen one power tool in his shop.

I then left and went to see my local hardware guy and he told me he hadn't seen me in a while, actually it has been 2 days since I was there so I guess he depends on me to come every day..No problem for me.

Well, big weekend coming up. Sunday we are all traveling to a remote village and have combined church service with some other churches for Pentecost Sunday. I believe it is about 3 hours away so it is going to be a long day for us.

Goodnight to all, God bless and keep each one of you in His care.

Xel bu doon jay lamb.

Ken and Peggy

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