Friday, May 10, 2013

It's 10:20 pm, St. Louis time and I am one tired fellow, but since I have been told many people are reading about our adventures here I will go ahead and post today's events.

I guess I should go ahead and tell about the giant leaping spider that was in the center today. That sucker was FAST and he would run into every crack and hole he could find and he was BIG. For those faint of heart you can skip the following, but now I see why Amy won't kill them in her house. For such a small body (compared to the legs) that sucker has a lot of insides that come outside when you step on them. Enough said!

We took our first taxi ride today, even though we were not by ourselves, we did make it home and it was quite enjoyable. For all appearances on the outside, the inside was quite clean. Also, it is really easy to catch a taxi because they all charge the same amount, no hassle nor squabble.

I got up early and made a hardware run and it was pretty much point and grunt on my part


, but the man was most nice and helpful, but I was getting pretty nervous as he totaled up my bill because he sure had a lot of 0000's and I wasn't carrying much money but after he gave the total I had enough and then some. I should have kept on buying but I had to get home to go to the school and pass out vitamins to the kids.

The school is such a blessing to these kids as they get vitamins twice a week all because of the generosity of an American doctor who came over and saw the kids and he agreed to supply the vitamins for this year. We then visited with Pastor Omer and his wife at the school while waiting for the taxi and they really enjoy the company. He gets to practice his English and I get a joy in hearing him.

We then went home for a lunch with Nelson, Myte' and Amy and then back to the center to do a little work before tomorrow. We painted the dollhouse for the kids and repainted a wall..Doesn't seem like much, but it was tedious work on that dollhouse, but it turned out so nice for the kids. Made a run to the market and bought some soccer balls for the school and some more hardware stuff. Worked till around 7:00pm.

It was getting late, so we headed to a local hotel for supper with Laura, Ethan, and Amy. Not something we usually do, but being so late and being so tired I knew it would be relaxing just to sit and rest.

Do not have many pictures tonight but will post a couple of the dollhouse paint crew. We had our usual encounters with the street boys during the day and once again our hearts are touched. Even though there are a lot of people in St. Louis, it is amazing how these boys know Amy and her car as she goes through town but it never fails that we see waving hands everywhere we go.

Goodnight, we have a long weekend of work ahead of us...

Ken and Peggy

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