Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday night, 8:30 pm and we just got back from walking to our boutique and buying mango juice to hand out to the street boys. While there, a man came up to me and really started a conversation about feet and hospitals and other stuff. We really didn't know where this was all leading to, and when he took our packages and offered to carry them home for us and continued to rattle on about the hospital and him wanting us to see it we really got antsy. So, we let him take our stuff home and then a man walked by with a cane and stopped. The man who brought our stuff home, then pointed at the other man's leg, and had him pull his pant leg up and he had an artificial leg. We then understood that the first man worked at the hospital, and we went with him to his shop where he makes braces and artificial legs and we found out he was a Catholic, he showed us his Bible and some mission CD's and took us on a tour of the hospital.

This morning was our first Wolof lesson and it was jam packed. The teacher lectured for 2 hours with us repeating phrases and words. This man is the one who wrote the books used for teaching Wolof and he was very patient with us. The funny thing, he tried to compare the Wolof alphabet with the French alphabet phonetically pronouncing the letters. Little does he know, our French is no better than our Wolof. He gave us some homework and I sure hope
he grades on a big curve because we are in big trouble if he thinks we can learn what he taught in one evening of self study.

Made a trip to the large market to buy new mats for the A/G school just because the ones they are using are beyond help. Peggy and I then went downtown grocery shopping and found some more sliced cheddar cheese,,,yahoo and even found some sliced bread at a bakery. Tomorrow night Pastor Omer and his family are coming over for supper and Amy is making spaghetti and I am going to make chicken gumbo.

Second Wolof lesson tomorrow and some work around the center before supper tomorrow night.

Oh yes, we had our first day with water and electricity outages. Electricity wasn't off too long, but water was off quite a while. Finally came on a while ago and quickly washed fruit and vegetables and took quick shower before it went off again.

Including some pictures of our Wolof teacher and a couple of the boys on our front door this morning.

Good night all,

God Bless

Ken and Peggy (Karim and Penda, our Wolof names)

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