Sunday, May 12, 2013

This is Sunday night, 8:00pm after another work day after church service this morning.

Made an early morning run to my hardware guy, and I have included a picture of his shop. 

Had our multi lingual church service, and the missionary from Argentina, Nelson spoke and the school director translated into Wolof. By the way, we start our Wolof lessons tomorrow so pray we can pick up enough to at least communicate properly when we meet people.

There are plans for the upcoming months for us to go to a village in the bush for a few days to work with Nelson and Myte' with some missionary friends in the village. Have not decided if we will go, but will in all reality do it as they need some help there also. Then in June a trip to Dakar to remodel the missionary guest house where traveling missionaries stay as well as guests of the missionary area director. Should be fun, but Dakar is so big and busy, I really enjoy getting back to St. Louis and "our" little mission field. Then, Pentecost Sunday we will travel to another town and have services with several other churches and missionaries, I think. Busy summer coming up and may have to stay a lot longer than 3 months just to get things done.

Tomorrow, after Wolof lessons, Amy said we can have a day off after working so hard this weekend...and boy we need it. Need to buy groceries and fruit for the upcoming week.  We finally got a chance to taste the peanuts sold here since they are grown locally and they are good. They also have a sugar coated variety which are also good.

For lunch today, 2 ladies from the church made yassa poullet, "Rice and chicken" and I have included pictures of the preparation as well as the meal.. I've had it at a hotel here, but this home prepared version is a LOT better. In addition to the chicken, there were olives, green peppers, pickled pearl onions, tomatoes, boiled eggs and lots of rice. It is covered with an onion sauce that is spicy enough to be good, but not too spicy that you can't enjoy it. Most of the church men and ladies came out yesterday and today to help paint and finish the rooms so school can start tomorrow.  What a job, but we got through around 6:00pm I think.

When we got home, there were 12 street boys waiting for us but we didn't have anything to give them but a half loaf of bread. They were very happy for it and I heard one or two "thank you's" as well as a lot of "merci's".

Well, going to try to hit the hay early and get a good rest.  One thing I have noticed here is the noise level that I can hear from our apartment is either dead silence or extreme noise. No in between.

Pictures are of Amy and Peggy teaching Sunday School, our meal and some of our finished rooms at the school.

Good night,

Ken and Peggy
                                                        My personal hardware guy

                                             One of Paster Omer's son,

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