Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Good evening from St. Louis and it is a good evening. Just got home from Wednesday bible study ate a snack and now checking up on the world events from the states. Isn't God and technology amazing, just think about the text in Revelation were the two witnesses will lay in the streets and the bible says the whole world will see them. Just a few years back, people did not understand how that would be possible, but with the electronic age and instant everything, prophecy (revelation) is being fulfilled.

I can sit in Amy's home in Senegal, and see and talk instantly to family back home. What a blessing especially for all the full time missionaries who are on the field.. Even the local Pastor Omer told us he hadn't heard his mother's voice in 5 years, but now he can Skype with her in the Ivory Coast.

Back to this evening, Pastor Bryan spoke in French, translated by a church member in Wolof, and listened by us in English. Talk about the tower of Babel going on in my head, but still it was uplifting. Pastor Omer told us he wanted to get us an interpreter next week, but we told him that wasn't necessary, but he insists because he said it will help him. Music was provided by Pastor Omer's young son on a drum, with lots of clapping by the church and singing. We asked about the translation into Wolof and found out some of the church members cannot speak French and besides they said it is a witness to their community since they can be heard through the open windows into the surrounding neighborhood. Who knows what the Holy Spirit will do because God's word is not chained and will not return void ?

Spent the morning mailing a few cards, went to town and found 2 hardware stores on the island. Now I do not have go onto the mainland and fight the Market crowds and besides, now I have someplace to go get my Lowe's fix. Now don't let your mind go crazy when I say hardware store, the first is really a small shack but he did have a lot of stuff I can use and besides, if he doesn't have it, he sends a guy off on a scooter to get it. The other was a lot larger, but still not a Lowes. Pastor Bryan has taken us to all the local shops we will use and introduced us to all the owners so they will know us, and perhaps not treat us as tourists. One difficult thing we are encountering here, is whenever you shop here, it is proper to visit for a long time and finding out how everyone and their family is before actually purchasing anything. We are so used to running in, finding what we need, speaking only if we have to, and leaving. Here, that is very rude. So you can imagine with our limited speaking ability, how long our conversations last. Usually it is something like this, "Bonjour, Ca Va. , with the response Ca Va, bien. this is usually repeated by us several times, because this is really all we know. But somehow they usually end up laughing with us and a good time is had by all.  Although, I have tried to "tutor" Peggy on her pronunciation of French, she assured me she is close enough. I told her, close enough, is not a good thing when speaking a foreign language because not knowing what she is saying we may end up in a fight or in jail.  

Next week we start mini-language classes for 2 hours each day with a gentleman who will teach us Wolof. Now won't that be a hoot,,us speaking Wolof, with a little French, with a little 8th grade Spanish thrown in for good measure along with our native tongue, "Texas drawl". If you don't hear from us in a few days, check the St. Louis jail, no telling what we said to get there!

Went to the community center and Peggy got to help with crafts and I did a few minor things. Will go back tomorrow and paint the dollhouse and then back home for a special Senegalese meal at Bryan and Laura's house prepared by a Senegalese lady. We actually saw the meats she will be serving, hanging in the market, or at least that is what Bryan told us...and who are we to question a Missionary?

Well that was our day, will try to post some pictures of Pastor Omer and his wife, and a few random shots of the day.

May God meet all your needs, according to His will and His riches that are heavenly..

Ken and Peggy

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