Thursday, May 9, 2013

Beautiful night in St. Louis, a nice 77* F. with nice sea breezes.

This morning started out with me sitting on the porch, as usual, and a young man came up and we began to talk. His name is Babacar and was 20 years old. Spoke good enough English that we chatted for about an hour. He said he was born in Dakar, and had come to St. Louis to study the Koran but was also a student somewhere here in town. He asked me all about my work, and where we lived and how much he wanted to visit America. He gave me 2 cell phone numbers to call him when I get home but I explained to him it was very expensive to call here from America. He asked for my phone number here in St. Louis, but I told him I didn't have a phone and he was shocked. Almost like, "How can you live without a phone?" Then when he asked me if I worked, I told him no and he really freaked out. I know he wondered how I got here if I didn't work, and I tried to explain "retirement" but he didn't understand. I told him that I trusted God for our needs but he didn't understand. He saw that I had my Wolof book, and he began reading it to me and teaching me some phrases with not much success.  The whole time I sat there, looking at him, I got a sad feeling realizing he would never make it to America and he seemed so lonely just to talk, even if I didn't understand him. When I finally had to leave, he said he would come back tomorrow. I will see.

We then went to the A/G school to make a list of items that I may be able to do while here. It isn't a large list, but as always, funds are limited as well as my ability as one person to do what really needs to be done.  I will do what I can but they could really use a church team to come and swarm the place just painting and general repairs to all the desks and classrooms.

We then went to Bryan and Laura's house and had a wonderful meal of "ceeb u yap" or rice and meat. We ate Senegalese style, which is one large dish in the middle of the table and imagine a pizza divided into slices, and you eat out of your slice. We actually had two dishes, because there are a lot of vegetables in this dish and some of us didn't eat vegetables. We had another missionary couple with us who are from Argentina, Nelson and Myta'. One of the pictures below is with them and the Senegalese lady who did the cooking. Did I mention that the meal was delicious,,,a little spicy but just right. Bryan gave a devotion about how what we see may not be what we really see because God is always working in everything in our life. While we may think what is happening is all that is going on, God may be doing something entirely different in the situation.

We then headed to the Community Center do do a little prep work for class on Saturday. Nelson and I painted the doll house that Amy had built and we will go tomorrow to finish painting it. Also, since today was a holiday, we will go to the school tomorrow to help hand out the vitamins.

We came back home in time to check a few emails and load today's pictures before we headed to Amy's hair guy for me to get a much needed haircut. His name is Blaise, and he is really good and speaks good English.

Back home for a snack, then off to bed after watching a I Love Lucy dvd with Amy.

Good Night from Senegal

Ken and Peggy

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