Monday, June 24, 2013

Monday night, 9:26 pm and all is well.

Had a very successful day today. Went to Pastor Omer's house today to finish up the electrical in his living room and what do you know. Since we had been there last, he had his kitchen walls built so I was able to run electrical for that room also. In Africa, they do not have a lot of kitchen gadgets so Pastor said he did not need a plug in the room, just a light.

Pastor and Marmadou helped me a lot with some manual labor and Marmadou helped me pull wire. Just a few more loose ends on stuff the previous electrician had done and then I should be through and Pastor can complete his plastering of the walls.

When we got through Pastor had a surprise for us. He had bought some pork ribs and meat and had baked it for us and it was delicious. Pastor loves pork and there is a lot of pork in the Ivory Coast were he comes from, but here in St. Louis, being Muslim, there is no pork. There is a lady that calls Pastor whenever she has pork and he gets it from her. He said maybe once a year at the most. Marmadou, the young man that accepted Christ last December, had been a Muslim and has never eaten pork until today. He said it was very good...I could have told him that. hahah   Peggy still wants to bring Marmadou home with her !

I then came home for lunch and a short nap, then we went back to the church for the weekly football (soccer) match between the pastors and missionaries versus the school director and his teachers. The school won today and have the coveted silver trophy...(Painted coke bottle) but you would have thought it was real silver the way the winners carried on.  Pastor's son, Itito, was upset that they didn't win and he threw himself on the ground and carried on.  He is such a clown.

I guess you can add copier repairman to my resume'.  Bryan had an older copier that was giving an error code and wouldn't work. So I tore into it and found what I thought might be the problem and I was able to go online and find out how to clear the code and now it works...God works in mysterious ways for his children.  I am thankful it was an easy fix.

A few pictures of today's activities and tomorrow we are off to the market with Nelson and Miate then Wednesday we have a big day planned at the center and the end of school party at the church school..

Goodnight, all

Ken and Peggy

                                                                     New kitchen
                                         My helpers

                                   Roast pork lunch

 Coveted "Leer Gi Silver cup"
 Poor Itito
 Old people shouldn't play soccer

                                                             The winners
Marmadou tastes pork

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