Wednesday, June 5, 2013

After a good nights sleep, photo blog: Wednesday morning

 Onions and more onions for the "family" meals, every meal
 Korean Missionary family we met
 Children from our village "family" they drop in all the time...all hours day and night
 Our shower, barrel on right is for cold water. When it is hot outside the shower water will burn you.
 Francisco, Nelson and Marta, Mexico and Argentine missionaries, sweet hosts lots of fun. The village thinks Francisco and Marta are doctors because they bring all their sick kids to them for medicine. He always prays for them. There was a teen age boy who had malaria or some other sickness who the family had given up on and was waiting for him to die. They brought him to Franciso and they prayed for him and he got well. They told Francisco that it wasn't the prayers but they had taken him to the hospital one more time after the prayers so it was the medicine that cured him. Francisco said, "The boy was sick for a year and the hospital could not help him, but after praying he got better. They said,,,No,it was the medicine".  We  know different...our God is able.
 Marta, cooking, cooking , cooking,,a true Biblical "Martha" always serving
 Traditional Mexican meal in an African home,,,how ironic
 Fixing all screens before rainy season and a group of college kids are coming in a week and will stay in the Missionary compound
 Needs screens I would say!
 Missionary Library at the school for the kids, they teach English, Spanish, Math, Chemistry, Physics
 One of 14 lemon trees, lemons never turn yellow here , The missionary has 3 trees and lets a local man tend to the rest for payment for tending his 3 trees.
 First batch of bread ready for the oven at 9:00pm, village bakery
 Firing the oven, will pull coals out and in go the loaves for baking
 We thought the town was rioting, the whole village was out shouting, dancing, music, screaming all because of Senegalese wrestling match,,every TV in town was on showing the match
 We slept in the house, everyone else slept on the porch. Much cooler outside
 "Family" cow, was payment because someone destroyed the "family's" peanuts and they had to give the family a cow for restitution.
 Missionary home, they rent 3 rooms for $10 a room per month, cheaper than normal and God answered their prayers for a cheap place to rent
 "Family" compound public facility
 City water supply, every morning at 6:00am, the people come to buy water for the day right outside our window, and the lady who collects the money yells at all the people to pay more.
 The village mechanic/weldeing shop
 Village toubab

 Very dangerous tree, acid from the tree will blind you and burn your skin,,very dangerous
 Decorating the Missionary school classroom, very eye appealing
 Me and my helper, the only Christian in the village,,he was very smart and helpful
 Horse that belongs to a Pular man, the Christian man is caring for them in the village till the rain comes and there will be grass in the desert. Colt is one month old. The Pular people use horses to pull their carts, the Wolof use donkeys.
 This is the guy that scared me when I opened up the door to the house to do some work, this sucker is fast as lightning.
 We finally got him outside. They will not kill any animal because they all believe spirits live in all objects,

 3 days a week, Francisco reads the bible to the Christian man at the compound, and then they have prayer. Francisco has to translate his Bible into Wolof so he can read to the man.
 Beautiful bird we saw along the road
 Miles and miles of nothing but miles and miles,,,and there are people living and working out there
 Road trip snacks, now we are traveling!
 Making bread
 Morning sleep hut occupant


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