Saturday PM
Today at the center we had 4-5 new boys come and join. They had a "wonderful" time
there and all the kids were soooo GOOD as they played. It was the "hottest" day we think but
some of us played outside anyway and enjoyed it !!
After the center we were going to eat dinner at the Davis home and I opened our front door and 2
of MY "favorite" little street boys were just sitting on our steps. Now you have to understand, one
of them has NOT :) smiled once in over 2 months, until this wk. when Jessica had her guitar out
playing and for the FIRST time he :) smiled...... made me just CRY !!!!!! Sooooo, I open the
door and there he sat just SMILING and SMILING :). I told Ken ..... ok now I can leave since
this precious baby is smiling !!! He is NOT a baby..... but to me MOST of these sweet boys are
truly babies and need sooooo MUCH LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So when he smiled at me I just
smiled and laughed and laughed...... the other one (they come together) is very verbal with us and
he will smile a lot, well he had a new looking razor blade he was playing with ..... well I almost fainted when I saw that !!!!!!!! I frowned and said Deedeet.... which is No in wolof and then he
showed me his little finger where he had cut a small place !!! So I motioned for him to put it down
and he threw it in the street...... I told him GOOD !!!! :) Of course Ken picked it up and threw it away so no one would get hurt !!!
I told Ken and Amy this wk. I was in the kitchen and just wondering if some of them just ring the door bell and sit on the steps just to see someone SMILE at them and to know that they will not be
hurt or in trouble and can get a drink of water if they want, as some of them do not even take the water they just sit there on our steps !!!! :) just a thought I had and it could be true !!
OK .... now we were on our way home from dinner (walking) and a real young, pretty lady with a 6 month old baby was sitting out and I smiled at her and said pretty bebe and kept walking.... she called to us and we went back and I knelt down to touch the baby and she spoke tuti tuti (little) English and so we talked a while..... I told her I wanted to come tomorrow and take a photo of her and her beautiful baby.... she said OK...... then up walks a young man and spoke real good English and he said he has been watching us walk the streets ea. day and wanted to know about "Club Leer Gee" and our shirts..... Ken told him where and what it is and he was realllllly impressed and showed us where he sits ea. day at his little vendor spot, on our street. He wanted to know when we will leave and why and how long we have been here. He wants so badly to visit America someday !! We told him if he does he will have to come to Texas and see us. Oh WOW did he smile when we said TEXAS !!!! sooo many of them know about Texas !!! He sees it on TV and his map that he looks at. :)
Almost to our door and Ken spots Douida, his friend that comes and teaches him..... he has been in Dakar this wk. and busy with Ramadan.... so he asked Ken could he come tomorrow to visit us. We told him absolutely, after 1 pm and we are home from church !!! Funny we had not seen him all wk. and I prayed today we would somehow see him..... there he was !!!!
God is so gracious and kind to allow us to have such a GREAT, PEOPLE day in HIM !!
We have said the past 2 dys....... we are soooo going to MISS these sweet people GOD has put in our paths. ONLY GOD could have planned and ordained our steps on this trip and how we THANK and PRAISE Him!!!
May not seem xciting to you but it was more than wonderful to us for all of this to happen today !
BLESSINGS and HUGS from St. Louis
Peggy...... Ken is out like a light.... haha
( : (: sorry no pics tonight !!
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