Went to the school this morning to pass out vitamins to the kids. This is something we do twice a week. After that, I spent some time talking with Pastor Omer about his life and family. He is originally from Ivory Coast and he and his wife speak different languages from there. He speaks 5 languages including English. He said not to include English but I told him yes, he speaks it well enough. Pastor Omer said he came to Senegal because God called him here but he loved being a pastor in Ivory Coast but he would only go where God called him. Bryan told me that in Ivory Coast, there are lots of believers and the churches there run 1000 to several hundred and Pastor Omer would be a pastor of a large church.
I forgot to give an update on the door to door evangelism the church did last Saturday night. Realize, this is a Muslim community and any interest in the gospel is an open door. Muslims do like to discuss their religion intermingled with the Bible which leads to some good discussions. But, there was one man who asked that the group come back this Saturday as he had more questions. One woman told their group that every Sunday, she hears the singing and the preaching and she tells her kids,,shush, I can't hear the music or the words. Just one little seed being planted in a dry place, but others will come and water, and God will give the increase.
Today, we went to Bryan and Laura's house for our Thursday meal. Their regular house keeper who normally cooks was very sick, so keep her in your prayers. This is a lingering illness which no one seems to have an answer for. This lady is reaching out to Bryan and Laura so please pray for her physical but more important, her spiritual needs. After our meal I was able to complete the solar panel and invertor hookup for Bryan, and praise the Lord, everything worked. Bryan said they have been her 17 years without any backup power, but now they have power for all the times the power goes off.
We then went to the center to help Laura with her English conversation class and we both love helping these people. Considering they are adults without formal educations in English, they do good at learning.
While we (Peggy and I) were waiting outside for class to begin in walks a small Talibe boy off the streets, filthy, no shoes, rags for clothes and really had sad eyes. We tried to ask him his age and name but he wouldn't talk. Peggy had half a coke left and we gave that to him and a few crackers she had in her purse and he took both of them eagerly. I then went inside the center and got our game of Velcro catch (2 mitts and a tennis ball) and began playing pitch with him. He really lit up and had a smile a mile wide as we played ball. It was so sad, when we told him we had to go and took him outside, you could tell he really wanted to stay. Peggy said a prayer over him and left him in God's care. We didn't have a camera with us but one gentleman from the English class took a cell phone photo and said he would email us. Hopefully we can post it later.
Well, our "to do" list is getting smaller and it looks like we might be home a little earlier than planned. We are waiting and praying for God to confirm in our hearts, the directions we should go. Pray with us, as we want to be in the perfect center of God's will. Tomorrow, I hope to be able to share a blessing we are experiencing at Pastor Omer's house..
Love to all and peace in your lives,
Ken and Peggy
Village donkey, or all night alarm clock, take your pick
Village "family"
Village street
"Family" baby just wanders from hut to hut
The "Never Die Plant" source of vitamins the people say if you eat you will never die and always be healthy. 3 of these plants can produce more income than all 14 of the lemon trees
"Family" girl who loved posing for pictures and spoke good English
Rice harvesters, Senegal raises lots of rice in this area and is trying to grow independent of outside rice suppliers
Little girl with chalk all over her face, these kids love the chalkboard
Game time at the school
Little Achmed loves the paddle ball
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